Curatorship is a legal procedure that aims at protecting an adult who needs assistance with specific living activities. It is more protective than the protection of the court but less demanding and with less responsibilities than guardianship.
When someone is unable to handle their own affairs, such as a minor, a patient with a mental illness, an absentee, or another individual, a curator or tutor is appointed to manage their property. Tutors are solely appointed over the assets (and maybe over the person of the minor), whereas curators may also be appointed over the property of majors.
If the person in question regularly lives in Namibia or owns property here, the Master will have the authority to name a curator or tutor over their property.
A curator or tutor is "appointed" by a will, the High Court, or in some circumstances the Master.
The provisions of chapter four of the Administration of Estates Act 66 of 1965 (as amended) and various other legislations regulate curatorship and tutorships in Namibia.
To get into contact with a curator or tutor, you can visit the Master of the High Court in Windhoek and Oshakati.
Postal address :
Master of the High Court
Private Bag 13190
Tel No : 061-2921111
Fax No : 061-236802
Postal address :
Master of the High Court
Private Bag 5563
Tel No : 065-2236700
Fax No : 065-220048