HoD - Mrs. Gladice Pickering
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HoD - Mrs. Marian Groenemeyer
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HoD - Advocate Frieda Matsi
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HoD - Advocate Mathias Kashindi
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HoD - Mr. Chris Nghaamwa
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HoD - Mrs. Patience Daringo
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HoD - Mr. Simataa Lennon Limbo
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HoD - Ms. Felicity !Owoses
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HoD - Mr Ellis Haradoeb
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HoD: Central Administration
Familiarize yourself with our Directorate
Mandate of the Directorate
To achieve its strategic goal of creating an enabling environment and high-performance culture, the Directorate of Central Administration is responsible for offering administrative support services to the Ministry of Justice directorates, Office of the Prosecutor General and Office of the Attorney General.
List of Divisions in the Directorate
Division General and Auxiliary Services
Subdivision Auxiliary Services
Subdivision Human Resource Management
Subdivision Human Resource Development
Subdivision Ministerial Support Service
Division Finance and Budgeting
Division Information Technology
Division Development Plans and Fixed Asset Management
Subdivision Maintenance
Windhoek Rundu Oshakati
Keetmanshoop Swakopmund
Contact us anytime, from anywhere
+264 61 280 5242
+264 61 309 520

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HoD: Civil Litigation
Familiarize yourself with our Directorate
Mandate of the Directorate
The Directorate of Civil Litigation (Government Attorney) is mandated to act as the Namibian Government's legal counsel in all civil court proceedings. In criminal charges that result from the performance of their duties as government employees, civil officials are also represented by the government attorney.
List of Divisions in the Directorate
Division General and Auxiliary Services
Subdivision Auxiliary Services
Subdivision Human Resource Management
Subdivision Human Resource Development
Subdivision Ministerial Support Service
Division Finance and Budgeting
Division Information Technology
Division Development Plans and Fixed Asset Management
Subdivision Maintenance
Windhoek Rundu Oshakati
Keetmanshoop Swakopmund
Contact us anytime, from anywhere
+264 61 281 2908/+264 61 281 2451
+264 61 222 428/+264 61 229 788

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HoD: Law Reform
Familiarize yourself with our Directorate
Mandate of the Directorate
The Law Reform and Development Commission Act (1991) establishes the LRDC. The core function of the directorate is to render support to the LRDC by conducting research in connection with and to examine all branches of the Namibian Law to enable the LRDC to make recommendations for reform and development of the said law.
List of Divisions in the Directorate
Division General and Auxiliary Services
Subdivision Auxiliary Services
Subdivision Human Resource Management
Subdivision Human Resource Development
Subdivision Ministerial Support Service
Division Finance and Budgeting
Division Information Technology
Division Development Plans and Fixed Asset Management
Subdivision Maintenance
Windhoek Rundu Oshakati
Keetmanshoop Swakopmund
Contact us anytime, from anywhere
+264 61 233 194/+264 61 230 008
+264 61 309 520

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HoD: Legal Advice
Familiarize yourself with our Directorate
Mandate of the Directorate
The directorate’s mandate is to support the Attorney-General in various ways, such as offering legal advice and opinions to the President and different offices, ministries, and agencies. The directorate also act as representatives of the government in national and international forums and verify Bills and Proclamations for constitutional compliance and potential conflicts with other existing laws. Furthermore, the directorate also participate in commissions of inquiry and disciplinary hearings in various offices and ministries and serve on national and international technical committees.
List of Divisions in the Directorate
Division General and Auxiliary Services
Subdivision Auxiliary Services
Subdivision Human Resource Management
Subdivision Human Resource Development
Subdivision Ministerial Support Service
Division Finance and Budgeting
Division Information Technology
Division Development Plans and Fixed Asset Management
Subdivision Maintenance
Windhoek Rundu Oshakati
Keetmanshoop Swakopmund

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HoD: Legal Aid
Familiarize yourself with our Directorate
Mandate of the Directorate
This directorate is charged with the responsibility of providing legal aid, i.e., legal advice and legal representation at Government expense to all Namibians who qualify to be granted legal aid based on an income criterion determined in regulations promulgated by the Minister of Justice in terms of the Legal Aid Act, 1990.
List of Divisions in the Directorate
Division General and Auxiliary Services
Subdivision Auxiliary Services
Subdivision Human Resource Management
Subdivision Human Resource Development
Subdivision Ministerial Support Service
Division Finance and Budgeting
Division Information Technology
Division Development Plans and Fixed Asset Management
Subdivision Maintenance
Windhoek Rundu Oshakati
Keetmanshoop Swakopmund

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HoD: Legal Service
Familiarize yourself with our Directorate
Mandate of the Directorate
This directorate is responsible for the administration and execution of legal processes on national, regional, and international level relating to mutual legal assistance; extraditions; human rights and humanitarian law; bilateral and multilateral legal matters; policy and research; providing administrative support to the Board for Legal Education; Disciplinary Committee for legal practitioners and issuing of Apostilles in terms of the Hague Convention of 05 October 1961.
List of Divisions in the Directorate
Division General and Auxiliary Services
Subdivision Auxiliary Services
Subdivision Human Resource Management
Subdivision Human Resource Development
Subdivision Ministerial Support Service
Division Finance and Budgeting
Division Information Technology
Division Development Plans and Fixed Asset Management
Subdivision Maintenance
Windhoek Rundu Oshakati
Keetmanshoop Swakopmund

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HoD: Legislative Drafting
Familiarize yourself with our Directorate
Mandate of the Directorate
This directorate is responsible for scrutinizing and drafting Bills for Parliament, Proclamations of the President, Regulations and Government Notices from O/M/A’s (including Regulations, Rules and General Notices from local authorities and parastatals that are subject to approval or consultation with Ministers), Rules of the Supreme Court, High Court, and Magistrates Courts. It further advises O/M/As in their legislative capacity, publishes legislation and administrative notices in Government Gazette, binds Gazettes and distributes Gazettes to the clients/ customers.
List of Divisions in the Directorate
Division General and Auxiliary Services
Subdivision Auxiliary Services
Subdivision Human Resource Management
Subdivision Human Resource Development
Subdivision Ministerial Support Service
Division Finance and Budgeting
Division Information Technology
Division Development Plans and Fixed Asset Management
Subdivision Maintenance
Windhoek Rundu Oshakati
Keetmanshoop Swakopmund
Contact us anytime, anywhere
+264 61 280 5337/+264 61 280 5275
+264 61 309 520 /

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HoD: Master of the High Court
Familiarize yourself with our Directorate
Mandate of the Directorate
This directorate is required by statute to supervise the administration of deceased estates, liquidations and insolvencies, registration of trusts and the administration of the Guardian’s Fund.
List of Divisions in the Directorate
Division Gurdian Fund
Deceased Estates

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HoD: Office of the Executive Director
Familiarize yourself with our Directorate
Mandate of the Directorate
The Office of the Executive Director in the Ministry of Justice, Namibia, is entrusted with the mandate to provide strategic leadership, efficient administration, and effective management support to the ministry. We are committed to fostering an inclusive and just society by ensuring the development and implementation of sound policies, overseeing prudent financial management, promoting excellence in human resources, facilitating seamless coordination, and engaging stakeholders to uphold the rule of law and deliver accessible and equitable justice services to all Namibian citizens.
List of Divisions in the Directorate
Internal Audit
Public Relations
Security and Risk Management Service
Secretary to the Board of Legal Education/ Disciplinary Committee for Legal Practitioners
Contact us anytime, from anywhere
+264 61 280 5335
+264 61 309 520 /

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HoD: Office of the Prosecutor General
Familiarize yourself with our Directorate
Mandate of the Directorate
The Office of the Prosecutor General (OPG) in Namibia is tasked with the mandate of prosecuting criminal cases on behalf of the State. Specifically, the key functions and responsibilities of the OPG include: 1. Investigating crimes: The OPG is responsible for conducting investigations and gathering evidence in criminal cases. They work alongside the Namibian Police Force and other investigative agencies to ensure that all necessary evidence is gathered for prosecution. 2. Prosecuting criminal cases: The OPG is responsible for prosecuting all criminal cases in Namibia. This includes cases related to theft, murder, assault, fraud, and other criminal offenses. 3. Providing legal advice: The OPG provides legal advice to government agencies and officials on matters relating to criminal law. They also provide guidance on investigative procedures and the interpretation of criminal laws. 4. Representing the State in court: The OPG represents the State in all criminal trials and appeals. They ensure that the interests of the State are protected and that justice is served fairly. In summary, the mandate of the Office of the Prosecutor General in Namibia is to uphold the rule of law and to ensure that those who commit crimes are held accountable for their actions.
List of Divisions in the Directorate
Division General and Auxiliary Services
Subdivision Auxiliary Services
Subdivision Human Resource Management
Subdivision Human Resource Development
Subdivision Ministerial Support Service
Division Finance and Budgeting
Division Information Technology
Division Development Plans and Fixed Asset Management
Subdivision Maintenance
Windhoek Rundu Oshakati
Keetmanshoop Swakopmund
Contact us anytime, from anywhere
+264 61 374 200
+264 61 309 520